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The MBTI ® Personality Test

The MBTI explains differences in behavior from different ways we use our minds. It is a popular career test used by employers.  Some employers use it to categorize people, but it can be useful to make sure an obviously wrong personality doesn’t get an unsuitable job. For instance if a job could be very stressful if it needed a very detailed person and you are better with the big picture.

It doesn’t tell you who you “really” are. Many job seekers find taking the test helpful in choosing a career they would enjoy.

The MBTI is the world’s most widely used and popular personality tool. It is based on Carl Jung’s psychological type theory. Many people think “type” means a particular kind of person, but Jung’s original use of the word “type” meant typical.

Kathryn Briggs and daughter Isabel Briggs Myers extended and expanded Jung’s descriptions. They developed a structure of 16 types based on four opposites.

Many MBTI theorists think that the preferences are either/or. They believe you can only do one or the other at any one time. Others see it as a sliding scale with the extreme polarities on either end.

Introvert Extrovert

The terms Introvert Extrovert often describe timid or sociable behavior. The Myers Briggs view is about recharging energy. Do you get your energy by being with people or by spending time alone?

This is usually noticeable when stressed. Do you prefer to go to the inner or outer world?

Sensing Intuiting

The Sensing Intuiting scale is about how we gather information. How do you know what you know? In sensing, we gather information about the world through seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. We pay attention to the cues we get from the outside world.

Intuiting adds meaning and interpretations to that sensory experience.

The Thinking Feeling Preference

The Thinking Feeling scale refers to the basis of our decision-making. A “thinker” uses logic and rational criteria to make a decision.

A feeler uses personal values and considerations.

Judging Perceiving

The Judging Perceiving scale is not about criticism. Do you adapt to the world or try to control it? When we perceive the world, we observe it and adapt to it. When we are in judging mode we think in terms of how we can make the most of it, order it and control it.

There is a saying that reasonable people adapt themselves to the world and unreasonable people try to make the world adapt to them….all progress is made by unreasonable people.

Personality Test

Here is a quick free online personality test for Myers Briggs

The 16 MBTI personality types are

ENFJ is Sociable, Inspiring Leadership, Warm, Responsible

ENFP is Warmly Enthusiastic and Imaginative, Spontaneous, Flexible

ENTJ – Frank, Like to Lead, Logical, Decisive

ENTP is Outspoken, Resourceful, Analytical and Likes Variety

ESFJ – Loyal, Action Oriented, Warmhearted, Conscientious

ESFP – Outgoing, Realistic, Friendly, Accepting

ESTJ is Practical Implementation, Realistic, Logical, Decisive

ESTP is Active, Pragmatic, Focus on Results, Flexible

INFJ is Quiet, Seeks Connection between Ideas, Decisive, Organized

INFP is Idealistic, Loyal, Decisive, Adaptable

INTJ is Independent, Original, Quick, Organized

INTP – Quiet, Abstract, Logical, Flexible

ISFJ – Quiet, Friendly, Responsible and Conscientious

ISFP is Quiet, Sensitive, Friendly, Harmonious

ISTJ – Quiet, Practical, Logical, Organized

ISTP – quiet, practical, logical, flexible

These different combinations create different behaviors and also career preferences. The type of thinking we are worst at is called the “inferior function”. Because it is less developed, it’s often where we are most limited and also where we can gain balance and leverage.

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The MBTI explains differences in behavior from different ways we use our minds. It is a popular career test used by employers.  Some employers use it to categorize people, but it can be useful to make sure an obviously wrong personality doesn’t get an unsuitable job. For instance if a job could be very stressful if it needed a very detailed person and you are better with the big picture.

It doesn’t tell you who you “really” are. Many job seekers find taking the test helpful in choosing a career they would enjoy.

The MBTI is the world’s most widely used and popular personality tool. It is based on Carl Jung’s psychological type theory. Many people think “type” means a particular kind of person, but Jung’s original use of the word “type” meant typical.

Kathryn Briggs and daughter Isabel Briggs Myers extended and expanded Jung’s descriptions. They developed a structure of 16 types based on four opposites.

Many MBTI theorists think that the preferences are either/or. They believe you can only do one or the other at any one time. Others see it as a sliding scale with the extreme polarities on either end.

Introvert Extrovert

The terms Introvert Extrovert often describe timid or sociable behavior. The Myers Briggs view is about recharging energy. Do you get your energy by being with people or by spending time alone?

This is usually noticeable when stressed. Do you prefer to go to the inner or outer world?

Sensing Intuiting

The Sensing Intuiting scale is about how we gather information. How do you know what you know? In sensing, we gather information about the world through seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. We pay attention to the cues we get from the outside world.

Intuiting adds meaning and interpretations to that sensory experience.

The Thinking Feeling Preference

The Thinking Feeling scale refers to the basis of our decision-making. A “thinker” uses logic and rational criteria to make a decision.

A feeler uses personal values and considerations.

Judging Perceiving

The Judging Perceiving scale is not about criticism. Do you adapt to the world or try to control it? When we perceive the world, we observe it and adapt to it. When we are in judging mode we think in terms of how we can make the most of it, order it and control it.

There is a saying that reasonable people adapt themselves to the world and unreasonable people try to make the world adapt to them….all progress is made by unreasonable people.

Personality Test

Here is a quick free online personality test for Myers Briggs

The 16 MBTI personality types are

ENFJ is Sociable, Inspiring Leadership, Warm, Responsible

ENFP is Warmly Enthusiastic and Imaginative, Spontaneous, Flexible

ENTJ – Frank, Like to Lead, Logical, Decisive

ENTP is Outspoken, Resourceful, Analytical and Likes Variety

ESFJ – Loyal, Action Oriented, Warmhearted, Conscientious

ESFP – Outgoing, Realistic, Friendly, Accepting

ESTJ is Practical Implementation, Realistic, Logical, Decisive

ESTP is Active, Pragmatic, Focus on Results, Flexible

INFJ is Quiet, Seeks Connection between Ideas, Decisive, Organized

INFP is Idealistic, Loyal, Decisive, Adaptable

INTJ is Independent, Original, Quick, Organized

INTP – Quiet, Abstract, Logical, Flexible

ISFJ – Quiet, Friendly, Responsible and Conscientious

ISFP is Quiet, Sensitive, Friendly, Harmonious

ISTJ – Quiet, Practical, Logical, Organized

ISTP – quiet, practical, logical, flexible

These different combinations create different behaviors and also career preferences. The type of thinking we are worst at is called the “inferior function”. Because it is less developed, it’s often where we are most limited and also where we can gain balance and leverage.

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